A Climate for Better Reporting

Quality journalism, in the public interest, urgently addresses the immorality expressed by powerful people and otherwise influential ones.

Ensuring the powerful are accountable is important.

Ensuring the influential use their influence for good in the world is also important.

But how do you know who is powerful and who is not?

How do you know when a seemingly powerful person is merely a puppet for the really powerful?

How do you know when to judge, and report upon, the misuse of power?

How do you know when to judge, and report upon, the misuse of influence?

How do you attempt to hold people in positions of authority accountable not only for their own actions but also the actions of the people they are authorised to supervise?

What have you been contributing to public interest journalism in the interests of a healthy planet? 

If you have not been making a suitable contribution, and you have possibly even been preventing other people from making those contributions, how should you be held to account, and by whom?

An intelligently kind culture depends upon quality analytical journalism at the local level, and at the global level, as accurately and poetically as possible.

Unlike most journalists, quality journalists never practice groupthink.  They take a critical thinking approach to the assessment of statistics, and everything else, including poetry and politics. 

How are you willing to show your support for quality journalism, and its basis.

Quality journalists are well aware of the hypothesis of linguistic relativity.  They are also well aware of the hypothesis of arithmetical relativity.  

They know that individualism may be enlightened or unenlightened.

They know that communitarianism may be enlightened or unenlightened.

They take a free thought approach to their work.

What does investing in quality journalism mean to you at present?

Politics-as-usual depends on journalism-as-usual.  Both have failed, for the past thirty years or more, to provide a climate for better reporting.

And business-as-usual has failed even more.

No market economies have been amazingly successful.  They have all caused considerable harm, particularly in terms of externalities and deception.

No planned economies have been amazingly successful.  They have all caused considerable fear, both internally and externally, as well as disastrous pollution.

Addressing catastrophic problems, and preventing them from arising in future, requires amazingly successful planning, not dictatorial plans or other greedy schemes.

How, then, are you investing in amazingly successful planning, and how do you know? 

What are you plans in relation to the future production and presentation of public interest journalism, quality democracies, responsible businesses, a thriving civil society, safe households, healthy communities and a flourishing world?

How do you think about the products of culture, including the products provided by journalists

Quality journalism is immensely elegant.  It is a practice consistently in accordance with the art and science of enlightened democratic practices, and all other enlightened arts and necessary sciences.  It embraces all the possibilities of life and identifies obstacles in the way of those possibilities.

A climate for better reporting requires clear distinctions between the best and the rest.


The only people providing a better climate for anything worthwhile are real world leaders.  Perhaps you are one of those people.

If so, how are you investing in enlightened productivity, personally, professionally and otherwise, both directly and indirectly?

Real world leaders contribute to the production and preservation of quality governments and quality environments and quality economies and quality possibilities.

How are you investing in better governments, and where is your proof?

Perhaps you have a large social media following and/or a regular journalistic following and/or an overly enthusiastic gaggle of adoring fans and/or a political following of crazed fanatics and/or you have quite often been a victim of stalking.

A climate for better reporting is also an investment in the very best mental health for the vast majority of people.

How do you help citizens to develop and teach each other skills in the research and reporting of quality journalism and quality politics?

How do you usually learn about competent and incompetent elites, and how accurately?

Perhaps you admire elite athletes when they win prestigious medals.

Perhaps you admire elite scientists when they win prestigious prizes.

How do you define an elite?

How do you define a non-elite?

How do you define the practice of elitism?

How do you define the practice of elegant egalitarianism?

How do you define politics, and why?

How do you define economics, and why?

How do you define importance, and why?

How do you define interest, and why?

Perhaps you usually define interest in economic terms.

Perhaps you prefer to think of yourself as a storybook character or cartoon character or as a hero in a film or sporting competition or you may even regard yourself as a political commentator or politician or educator or journalist or health service worker.

Whether you regard yourself as a journalist or not, your enlightened leadership is urgently required in order to address greed, cruelty and corruption appropriately. 


What do you know about the distress caused by insensitive and cruel, pseudo-journalistic practices? 

What do you know about the distress caused by insensitive and cruel actions within public authorities, and other organisations?

You may be aware that feasibility studies are often very useful studies indeed, at least if they are planned, conducted and assessed appropriately.

Perhaps you mainly study feasibility studies.

Perhaps you mainly study the consequences of inadequate or absent feasibility studies.

Perhaps you study the prevalence of mental health problems, such as occupational burnout, emotional exhaustion, conflicting expectations, role confusion, identity diffusion, workplace indifference, aggressive ambitiousness, inappropriate demands, intrusions of privacy, inadequate peacefulness, the inability to maintain attentiveness, and the frequency of insomnia. 

When do you know for certain that you are investing in the very best mental health for yourself and many other people?

How, if at all, does journalism contribute to your quality of life?

How do you usually think about quality journalism in relation to quality philanthropy? 



The pressure to perform is often a recipe for failure, particularly when a recipe takes a long time to prepare and/or a necessary ingredient takes a long time to find.

Perhaps you prefer to consume mass produced junk food rather than lovingly prepared, deliciously nutritious meals.

Perhaps you prefer to give your attention to mass market junk media rather than to lovingly prepared, conscientiously composed information.

What do you know about the media and immediacy and urgency and necessity?


Why are some lives valued more than others, whether through the mass media, social media, politics, history, religion, medical interventions or through various rescue attempts?

How do you assess the value of a life, whether human or otherwise?

Perhaps you have been indoctrinated into money madness through the mass media, or through a social media bubble and/or property bubble and/or share market bubble and/or through the bubble of reputation associated with ambitious careerism.

In a civilised society, a few scientifically verified psychological tests on persons seeking and/or gaining political power and/or influence through the mass media and/or positions on corporate and non-corporate boards, could quickly identify ineligibility.

The fact that such tests are never used in selecting political candidates or board members or television presenters, or media executives, suggests corruption, greed and cruelty are actively encouraged by holders of power.

How do you distinguish between enlightened cultural leadership and various expressions of coercion?

How do you know when anything is excessively complicated or otherwise excessive? 

Well-informed kindness should be possible in all circumstances, including political ones.

Perhaps you are seeking to improve your political philanthropy.

There is no need to use the mass media and/or social media for such a purpose unless absolutely necessary.

There are much kinder ways to address politics than through distorting images.

Perhaps you do not usually associate images with unkindness or distortions.

Perhaps you mainly associate reality with unkindness, including in the form of deception.

Perhaps your usual intention is to ignore reality and enjoy the experience of images, for the sake of your mental health.

Or perhaps you wish to learn how to distinguish more clearly between reality and images.

You may even wish to learn how to gain more enjoyment of and from reality.



Life is often filled with dissonance, as indicated by the musical preferences, and other preferences, of a great many people.

How have you been influenced by the cacophony encouraged through the mass media and social media?

Political history has usually been filled with annoying dissonances, repetition, inappropriate dynamics, and frequent changes in pitch, tempo and rhythm, except when it has been a droning monotony.

Improvements in politics have often been urgently required for one reason or another.

Economic history has long included pleasant options for some people and unpleasant options for many others, with confusing options and low quality choices
, and fluctuations in currencies, prices, and opportunities.

How do you make comparisons regarding the difficult and beneficial aspects of living in various parts of the world, in a variety of social, economic and political contexts?

Perhaps you believe that problems will resolve themselves as if by magic.

You may even believe problems disappear, or otherwise do not exist, if they no longer, or have never, received your attention.



Please stop following corrupt politicians.  Stop voting for them.  Stop paying attention to them.  They want your attention, not your thoughts.  They do not care about anyone but themselves and the people they admire.

Please stop following mindless celebrities.  Stop giving them money.  Stop paying attention to them.  They do not care about making a contribution to better reporting, or a better climate.  They are living beyond the means of life on Earth far more than most people.

Please stop supporting the businesses run by and/or owned by the greedy.  Such people care for no-one but themselves.  They only pay real attention to their personal investment portfolios.

Please stop paying attention to aggressive media and aggressive social media and all other providers of violent images deliberately intended to attract your attention.  Such images will distract you from your duties in relation to world peace, world health and global viability.

Perhaps you have normalised corruption, mindlessness, greed and aggression.

Perhaps you do not regard yourself as having any duties towards world peace, world health and global viability.

How have you been identifying problematic certainties?

How have you been identifying problematic uncertainties?

There are many uncertainties associated with politics and economics.

There are many certainties associated with literature, the media and the entertainment industry more generally.

Most of those certainties are associated with predictably boring scripts and sensationalist shocks.

The certainties and uncertainties associated with economics and politics are mainly associated with boring lives and financial shocks.

Economic uncertainties are mainly associated with political corruption and the hostility of nature towards human greed and stupidity.

How deep is suffering when it is hidden behind a mask of performance, in any sort of relationship or job or study or competitive situation?

How deep is suffering when it is suffocated by a blanket of aggressive entertainment, some of which is called the news media? 

The ongoing, interconnecting emergencies facing life on Earth, and humans in particular, are unlikely to end any time soon, unless you take your leadership responsibilities seriously, immediately.

You are one of the main people in charge of managing the situation.

Governments are not managing it. 

No excessively hierarchical organisations are managing it.

Obscenely wealthy people are certainly not managing it. 

Real world leaders have tried their best to manage the situation but ordinary people have taken no notice of them.

They have taken notice of celebrities for all the wrong reasons.

They have blamed governments for all the wrong reasons.

They have taken notice of the news media for all the wrong reasons.

They have done nothing to improve their own leadership.

There is much to interpret in life, especially when attempting to assess whether an agenda is genuine or not, or reasonable or not, or dangerous or not.

What is your current awareness of your own self-deception, and how have you attempted to overcome that very dangerous problem?

There have been many unenlightened Establishment and anti-establishmentarian practices throughout the history of human civilisation.  They have tended to be associated with the non-democratic parts of the political spectrum.

The people associated with those practices have occasionally managed to gain electoral success through dangerous mass media influences and corrupted electoral systems.

How do you intend investing in elegant egalitarianism over the months ahead?

How do you intend investing in anti-establishmentarian necessities?

What sort of news are you intending to acquire now, and why?

Perhaps you are frightened by philosophy and philosophers and social researchers and the imaginative application of appropriate technology, especially if you are associated with the LobbyRule Party of Australia and/or News Crap, or even LayBore or the Naturals.

Where have you been learning about the art of very necessary news?

Where have you been learning about the climate for better reporting?

What do you know about the editing of news?

What do you know about the editing of history?

How have you been investing in fruitful editing, and from whose point of view?

How do you usually invest in very necessary news about political improvements?


What is your attitude towards the possible disappearance of life on Earth?

Perhaps you have already addressed that question by providing your answer to the Revolutionary Climatological Needlepoint Committee

You may or may not have already dedicated your life to the improvement of civility, particularly in political, epidemiological, financial and climatological contexts. 

Yet, without doing so, how is it possible to have a responsible sense of purpose?

What do you already know about climate civility, climate morality and climate justice?
