
You may regard some providers of news services as more trustworthy than others. for various reasons.

How trustworthy are you considered to be, and by whom, and why?

All trustworthiness is voluntary.

What are your voluntary activities and what are not?

How does veracity relate to trustworthiness in your view?

How do you distinguish between the voluntary, the compulsory and the impulsive?

How do you assess the trustworthiness of legal practitioners and financial services workers in terms of the public interest?

How do you tell whether an opinion is of dubious veracity and/or usefulness, to you and/or to other people? 

Perhaps you have voluntarily written and/or read reputable documents in which the above questions have been credibly answered. 

Perhaps you have been required to write and/or read such documents as a compulsory part of a job or course of study.

What happens when the public prefers to seek dubious opinions rather than well-evidenced facts?

And what happens when influential media organisations and/or influential political organisations and/or various social media users foist dubious opinions on the public?

What does it mean to be informed?

In the digital age, the public can be informed and misinformed in many ways.

People can also inform and misinform themselves in many ways, depending on their critical thinking skills and biases.

But do most members of the public actually want to inform themselves?

Perhaps you prefer to acquire opinions merely by agreeing with the people you admire.

Many narcissists appear to be friendly and benign and possibly even trustworthy, which is why they so easily dupe people.

Yet narcissists are stupid, regardless of the academic abilities.  They encourage corruption.  Their decisions ruin lives, ruin societies and ruin environments.  They are the cause of most economic downturns.  They even fail to notice that their actions diminish the experiences they value.

Narcissists may or may not be gullible.  They are certainly not good, even when they convince people otherwise.

The stupid give power to the cruel.

The cruel encourage the stupid to hate the good.

How do you tell whether your routines are stupid or not? 

How can you prove that your actions are not cruel?

Perhaps you equate narcissism with stupidity.  After all, narcissists usually lack insight into themselves.
Even when they egocentrically devote all their attention to themselves and the pursuit of their own interests, narcissists disregard the effects of their behaviour on anyone else, and on the environment.

How do you know you will be able to develop adequate resilience in the face of much future uncertainty, stupidity and selfishness?

How do you attempt to prevent your investments in pleasure from becoming cruel or otherwise likely to cause suffering?  

How have you been investing in preventing yourself from being ignorantly and/or abusively exploitative?

What have you invented and invested to help prevent bullying?

How does relevance relate to trustworthiness in your view?

How does the newsworthy relate to the trustworthy? 
