
Despairing yet powerless members of the public are often held accountable by the state for disruptive actions even when they are suffering from deeply distressing mental health problems.

Considerable public resources continue to be devoted towards the deterrence of disruption through punishment.

Deterring the development of mental illness has never been a priority for governments, even those claiming otherwise.

There is no accountability within governments for the exacerbation of suffering, or for the transformation of a minor infringement of societal rules into a lifetime of despair, and possibly even aggression.

The powerless have long been punished by the powerful while the powerful continue to act with impunity for major offensiveness against the public interest.

The strong have often gained amusement at the expense of the weak, the confused, the poor and the relatively unusual.

The privileged have always behaved rudely towards the disadvantaged, unless transformed into philanthropists through good influences in their lives.

The wealthy have never given enough support towards the common good, whether through philanthropy or taxation or any other contribution to societal investment.

It is impossible for the very rich to support the public interest appropriately without first distributing their surplus wealth, power and influence, in the public interest.

Billionaires obviously do not support the public interest properly.  They have far too much surplus wealth and therefore too much political and economic influence.

It is impossible for large organisations to support the public interest properly.  They support societal hierarchies too closely, including within their own structures.

How does public interest journalism relate to science and the findings of science?

How accountable are journalists, scientists, the rich, the otherwise privileged, the physically strong, the influential, the famous, highly paid company directors, senior bureaucrats and other officials, including military officers?
