
Do you usually regard research as an investment?

Do you research investment opportunities?

Do you often identify significant detriments other people regard as investments?

Have you been investing in anti-establishment necessities at all?

Research is associated with the use of creativity in order to acquire knowledge.

Yet acquiring and sharing knowledge does not necessarily contribute to improvements in anything other than awareness.

What is awareness itself meant to achieve?

Perhaps you have researched that topic.

What is your awareness of sectionalism and sectarianism?

What, if anything, have you researched and written about investing in importantly useful information

What is your usual acquaintance with public notices, whether online or elsewhere, particularly those encouraging well-informed kindness and well-informed investing?

What is your awareness of the hegemony of domineering states and other domineering organisations on public life, community life and private life in various parts of the world?

How does your awareness of history inform your assessments of journalism, and governments?

How does your awareness of science inform your assessments of journalism, and governments?

What do you know about the activities of various advocacy groups, and how did you acquire that information?

What is you attitude towards, journalists, politicians and various advocacy groups?

What do you advocate?

Perhaps you practice and/or support advocacy journalism.

Whether you do or not, what do you regard as the purpose of political journalism if not to advocate for effective approaches to government accountability and transparency, competent opposition to unjust public policies, and an end to political corruption

How do you research the public interest?

How do you assess objectivity?

How do you define and identify bias?

Advocating for public interest journalism of the highest quality is not an expression of bias.  It is a devotion to democratic practices of the highest quality.

Much political journalism intentionally or unintentionally encourages the public to feel powerless to address corruption and improve democracies.  It therefore does not serve the public interest.  It causes despair.  It causes mental health to deteriorate, possibly leading to physical health problems for many people.  It is therefore a public health problem.

Quality political journalism empowers people.  But where is that journalism and who is supplying it?

How is such journalism defined, and by whom?

How is it funded?

How are its reports distributed, and who pays attention to them?

What, if anything, have you researched and written about investing in the quality analysis of events

How do you define the meaning of quality in various contexts?

What is your preferred approach to assessing quality of life, and why?

What do you believe to be the main responsibilities of public interest journalists, their editorial supervisors, their employers and the patrons of quality news services?

Perhaps you believe public interest journalism is compatible with revenues received from advertising and/or corporate sponsorship and/or the ideological stances of billionaires.

What do you regard as the essence of editorial independence

If you are an advocate of objective journalism, what does that mean in practice?

How do you define advocacy?

What have been your experiences of advocacy groups?

Do you regard political parties as advocacy groups? 

What is your preferred approach to investing in a sense of belonging, and why?

What have you discovered about selfish group practices and selfish individual practices?

What do you know about group memberships in relation to a deluded sense of privilege and entitlement?
