Rebuilding Democracies

You may believe there have never been adequately developed democracies anywhere in the world.  Yet the theoretical basis of quality democracies has been known for many years, and possibly even for many centuries.

Public interest journalism is an expression of democracy, sometimes even more so than voting.

There are many ways to volunteer if you wish to support a quality democracy, in any part of the world, but perhaps you have more urgent matters to address, like finding somewhere to sleep or something to eat or a way to escape from danger.

Perhaps you have urgent responsibilities relating to other people in terms of providing sleeping arrangements and eating arrangements and safety arrangements. 

How do you usually assess urgency, both personally and politically?

How do legal structures help or hinder the expression of a well-informed democracy?

How do financial structures help or hinder the expression of a well-informed democracy?

When, in your view, does news become history?

When, in your view, does democracy become history?

What do you believe to be the future of public interest journalism?

What do you believe to be the future of democracy?

Corrupt politicians do not want real democracy to exist.  That is why they do not want public interest journalism to have any influence.

There are many corrupt individuals and corrupted organisations in the world.

There are many people willing and able to harm the people attempting to prevent harm.

How does public interest journalism relate to democracy?  

How does public interest journalism address corruption?

How does your volunteering relate to the public interest and/or journalism and/or democracy and/or addressing corruption?

When purported news organisations fail to investigate and question power structures appropriately, those organisations are no more than propaganda machines for those power structures.  They are part of the corrupt Establishment.

Yet democracy can be improved.  It can become a system to prevent corruption. 

But does the public actually want that to happen?

Perhaps most people feel powerless to change systems of the better.  They are not influential in power structures.  They have difficulty managing their own lives and responsibilities on a daily basis.  They want to try to enjoy life more, regardless of the difficulties they experience.  They want their mental health to improve, and possibly also their physical health.  They may especially want their relationships to improve, and for bullies to be held to account.

How have you reflected on the normal and abnormal over your lifetime, especially in relation to pleasure and displeasure, corruption and anti-corruption, democracy and authoritarianism?   

It is in the public interest for journalists in a democracy to help the public know the truth about possible future voting options.

It is in the public interest for credible, non-corrupt, non-extreme, very pleasant political organisations to be treated fairly by journalists, and by everyone else.

Why, then, do such organisations rarely receive fair coverage in the news media?

Surely, any organisation devoted to improving democracy, and public life more generally, deserves to be reported upon in the news media appropriately?

Perhaps the desire to improve democracy, and public life more generally, is not regarded as newsworthy by most news organisations.

What makes an individual or organisation newsworthy?

And what does not make an individual or organisation newsworthy?

Regardless of your qualifications and workplace experiences, how do you know when the public, in general, has no idea how corrupt its government and society happen to be?

When corrupt politicians fund propaganda machines with public money and describe that activity as funding journalism and/or sport and/or museums and/or environmental protection and/or job creation, public interest journalism has failed to have adequate influence.

When that happens, real democracy does not exist. 

How consistently do you act in the public interest against corrupt private interests and corrupt political interests?

Perhaps you regard voting as an act of devotion towards democracy.

Perhaps you regard the practice of public interest journalism as an act of devotion towards democracy.

