
Showing posts from May, 2021

Addressing the Most Important Issues in the Public Interest

Public interest journalism always addresses the most important issues. But what does that mean in practice? Crony capitalism is certainly not in the public interest.  It is actually against the public interest. Why, then, are journalists, especially those directly or indirectly paid salaries at public expense, not actually supporting the public interest appropriately? To provide the necessary support would require journalists to contribute to the prevention of crony capitalism through appropriate reporting of the facts. Crony capitalism is obviously one of the most important issues to address, in the public interest, as is all corruption. How do you know when a government is mainly propping up its crony capitalist associates rather than supporting the public interest properly? Why is the Australian government funding commercial media organisations while defunding legislated, publicly-owned, public interest media? Why has the Australian government been giving public money to a p

Where Public Interest Journalism is NOT Located

Large organisations inevitably have too much power and influence.  They are also likely to contain abusive practices within their official and unofficial hierarchies. Front organisations, of any size, are not locations of public interest journalism, and nor are non-secular organisations of any sort. Any ideologically undemocratic organisation is not a location in which public interest journalism is situated.